tances[edit | edit source]
Force Masters have two stances depending on what skills they use: Fire Mode or Frost Mode. Each stance has its own minor benefit to being in it, as well as skills that they can only use while in one or the other. For example, using Blazing Palm will switch you to Fire Mode, thus allowing you access to skills such as Blazing Wall and Short Fuse. Stances last ten seconds and are refreshed by using a skill that places you in a stance. The benefits are as follows:
Fire Mode: Automatically apply a stack of Ember to any enemy that delivers a critical hit to you.
Frost Mode: Automatically gain a five second buff that increases Defense by 10%. Using any Frost Mode skill will apply the buff again (including the skill that brought the Force Master into Frost Mode).
Orbits[edit | edit source]
Later, Force Masters will need to familiarize themselves with the concept of Orbits. After gaining the Fire Fury and Frost Fury skills, the Force Master has a chance to generate Fire Orbits and Frost Orbits, which manifest as small, glowing red or blue orbs that float around the character. Each can be stacked up to three times and grant bonus effects to the character.
Fire Fury and Frost Fury are activated by scoring a critical hit with a Fire Mode or Frost Mode skill, respectively. Upon successfully landing a hit with either, it will generate the appropriate Orbit. Later on, other skills and upgrades for skills also generate Orbits.
Each Orbit lasts 30 seconds upon activation, and the timer is reset when you stack another one. For example, if you have 12 seconds left on a Frost Orbit, you can stack it again to go back to 30 seconds (with double the beneficial effects). However, once three Orbits of one element are stacked, you cannot reset the timer even by using Fire Fury or Frost Fury again, and thus must let it run out.
You can have both elements active at once for a max of simultaneous three Fire Orbits and three Frost Orbits. Benefits:
Fire Orbit: When hit, inflicts 3%/6%/10% damage and 1 Ember on enemy.
Frost Orbit: Recovers 1/2/3 Focus on hit. At 3 stacks, inflicts Chill on enemy when hit.
Skills[edit | edit source]
The following list is incomplete.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Skill Icon ForceMaster 0 25.png
Blazing Palm 1 +1 16m Target Instant Instant Yes
Shoots a bolt of fire at the targeted enemy from a distance.
This ability stacks the Ember effect debuff on the enemy target, which you can stack up to five times. Ember lasts for 10 seconds, and its timer is reset each time you reapply the effect. These stacks can essentially be consumed by other skills such as Impact and Short Fuse to increase the damage those skills do.
Stance Change: Changes to Fire Mode
Stage 1: Detonates on five Ember stacks. Secret: Creates one Flame Orbit on critical hits.
Stage 2: Does additional damage to Burning enemies and stacks more Ember on them.
Stage 3: Bounces between enemies within 8 meters and absorbs some damage dealt as HP. Secret: Recovers 5 Focus per enemy hit.
Barrage 10 -1 16m Target Instant Instant During Dash, Jump, or Glide skills No
Fires three bolts that deal damage to a targeted enemy.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Skill Icon ForceMaster 0 10.png
Frost Palm 1 -2 16m Target Instant Instant Yes
Shoots an ice bolt at the targeted enemy from a distance.
This ability stacks the Chill effect debuff on the enemy target, which slows their movement speed for ten seconds. If you stack the Chill debuff three times, the stacks are removed and the enemy is afflicted with the Frozen status. You can stack two additional Chill debuffs after that.
Stance Change: Changes to Frost Mode
Stage 1: Additional damage and increased Chill duration. Secret: Chill pierces Defense.
Stage 2: Generates Frost Orbit on critical hit, doesn't increase Threat. Secret: Always critical hit Frozen enemies.
Skill Level Focus Range Area Cast Time Cooldown Prerequisites Trainable
Skill Icon ForceMaster 0 06.png
Impact 1 0 Centered on Caster 2x10m Instant Instant Yes
This skill deals direct damage to an area in front of you and has additional effects based on stacking debuffs already placed on the target.
For reach Ember stack on the target, this ability deals an additional flat amount of Explosion damage. After this is added, it does additional Flame damage based on how many Ember stacks are on the target past the first: 75% additional for 2 stacks, 100% additional for 3, 125% for 4, and 150% for 5. This is despite the tooltip claiming it does 75% additional damage.
If the enemy is currently in the Frozen state, Impact will knock them back five meters and stun them for one second. It then removes the Freeze state from the enemy. Using Impact in this way deals about five times the damage it normally would.
Both the additional damage from