The trait fresh fruit weight over locations (Table 2), the parents P3 registered the highest fruit weight (18.22 and 21.23 g) in L2 and L3 environments. Under L1 and L4 locations the parents P4 (13.01g) and P2 (13.12 g) showed maximum fruit weight. The hybrid P3 × P2 registered the highest fruit weight (18.35, 25.46 and 22.28 g in first, second and third environment respectively) The pooled analysis across four environments revealed that among the genotypes highest (15.59 g) fruit weight was obtained by P3 parent and hybrid P3 x P2 (20.88 g) respectively. Heterosis value by the pooled analysis across locations revealed that P3 × P2 exhibited the highest di, dii and diii heterosis (42.13, 33.93, 27.62 per cent). Fruit weight is directly correlated with yield. The same hybrid P3× P2 showed as high as 53.74 per cent relative heterosis, 46.84 per cent over heterobeltiosis and 33.29 per cent standard heterosis .The hybrid P3× P2 was
found to show positive significant and consistent performance in all the four locations (Table 3).