The United States International Trade Commission is an independent, quasijudicial Federal agency with broad investigative responsibilities on matters of trade. The agency investigates the effects of dumped and subsidized imports on domestic industries and conducts global safeguard investigations. The Commission also adjudicates cases involving imports that allegedly infringe intellectual property rights. Through such proceedings, the agency facilitates a rules-based international trading system. The Commission also serves as a Federal resource where trade data and other trade policy-related information are gathered and analyzed. The information and analysis are provided to the President, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR), and Congress to facilitate the development of sound and informed U.S. trade policy. The Commission makes most of its information and analysis available to the public to promote understanding of international trade issues.
The mission of the Commission is to (1) administer U.S. trade remedy laws within its mandate in a fair and objective manner; (2) provide the President, USTR, and Congress with independent analysis, information, and support on matters of tariffs, international trade, and U.S. competitiveness; and (3) maintain the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS).
The Commission has five major operations that serve its external customers:
Import Injury Investigations
Intellectual Property-Based Import Investigations
Industry and Economic Analysis
Tariff and Trade Information Services
Trade Policy Support
USITC Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) Results
The USITC views employee engagement and satisfaction as critical to mission accomplishment. Each year, the USITC conducts an in-depth analysis of the results of the FEVS and develops an action plan to improve in these areas. During 2013 and early 2014, an action plan in response to the 2013 FEVS was implemented and led to encouraging improvements in the 2014 FEVS results. The USITC’s “Employee Engagement Index” score rose from a 69 percent positive response in 2013 to a 71 percent positive response in 2014 and the Commission’s “Global Satisfaction Index” score improved from a 65 percent positive response to a 67 percent positive response in 2014. During 2014 and 2015, the Commission plans to build upon this success.