The National Dose Registry contains work histories
described in terms of an 80-category job classification code
and a 14-category code describing the type of organization,
such as industry or hospital (22, 23). This information was
used to define four broad occupational categories (dental,
medical, industrial, and nuclear power workers). The same
procedure was used for assigning occupational categories as
in the mortality study (3), except that workers at Atomic
Energy of Canada Limited were assigned to the nuclear
power category rather than to the industrial category. This
was done because of the greater similarity of both the type
of work and the socioeconomic status between nuclear
power workers and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
The National Dose Registry contains work historiesdescribed in terms of an 80-category job classification codeand a 14-category code describing the type of organization,such as industry or hospital (22, 23). This information wasused to define four broad occupational categories (dental,medical, industrial, and nuclear power workers). The sameprocedure was used for assigning occupational categories asin the mortality study (3), except that workers at AtomicEnergy of Canada Limited were assigned to the nuclearpower category rather than to the industrial category. Thiswas done because of the greater similarity of both the typeof work and the socioeconomic status between nuclearpower workers and Atomic Energy of Canada Limitedworkers.
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