It is usually necessary for the entrepreneur to inform potential consumers about the product's availability or to educate the consumer, using advertising media such as print, radio, television or electronic media. Usually television is too expensive unless the entrepreneur considers cable television a viable outlet. A local service or retail company such as a pet store may find that using community cable stations is the most cost-effective method to reach customers. Larger markets can be reached using the Internet, direct mail, trade magazines, or newspapers. The entrepreneur should carefully evaluate each alternative medium considering not just costs but the effectiveness of the medium in meeting the market objectives mentioned earlier in the marketing plan. As stated earlier, a Web site and social networks may also be valuable to create awareness and to promote the products and services the new venture. Web sites can now be easily designed with little experience using online services such as or You can create your own Web site establish a domain name, conduct Web hosting, and initiate an online store at very low cost.