In India, agroforestry research on scientific lines started in 1979, when a
seminar was organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR) at Imphal, Manipur [ICAR 1979]. The seminar, suggested the
research direction and organizational pattern for strengthening agroforestry
research and education. Establishment of an All-India Coordinated
Research Project with centers in states and union territories for a comprehensive
study on the various aspects of agroforestry was recommended.
Consequently, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research sanctioned an
All-India Coordinated Research Project on agroforestry. A coordinating
cell in (ICAR headquarters) New Delhi, and centers at 20 places in different
agroecological regions were established under the Sixth and Seventh Five
Year Development Plans in the 1980's.
In India, agroforestry research on scientific lines started in 1979, when aseminar was organized by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research(ICAR) at Imphal, Manipur [ICAR 1979]. The seminar, suggested theresearch direction and organizational pattern for strengthening agroforestryresearch and education. Establishment of an All-India CoordinatedResearch Project with centers in states and union territories for a comprehensivestudy on the various aspects of agroforestry was recommended.Consequently, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research sanctioned anAll-India Coordinated Research Project on agroforestry. A coordinatingcell in (ICAR headquarters) New Delhi, and centers at 20 places in differentagroecological regions were established under the Sixth and Seventh FiveYear Development Plans in the 1980's.
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