Body composition
There was an increase in condition factor and carcass-to-BW ratio
(%) during the experiment (Table 4). At the end of the experiment,
the carcass to BW (%) of fish in group I increased with
decreasing dietary fat. There was a similar tendency in group II,
but this was not statistically significant (Table 4).
There was a sharp increase in fat content in the cutlets and
whole body from the start to the end of the experiment. Fish
group I increased in fat content in the cutlets from 5% to 16–19%
and whole body from 10% to 15–17% (Table 5). Initially the fat
content in cutlets of fish in group II was twice as high as in group I,
while at the end of the experiment there was no clear difference
between the groups in fat level. There were no significant effects
of dietary treatments on the chemical analyses of cutlets.
However, within fish group I, there was a trend towards lower fat
content in cutlets of fish fed diet 4 compared with the fat content
of cutlets from the other dietary treatments.