As ITD-Dawei Legal Team ever discussed on this matter with Khun Panya and Daw Su Su, the objectives of ITDMI as registered with DICA allow ITDMI to carry out construction businesses and relevant activities.
However, according to the relevant rules and regulations, contractor is required further license called “CONSTRUCTION LICENSE” issued by authorized local/municipality authority of each area (such as Yangon City Development Committee for Yangon area OR Mandalay City Development Committee for Mandalay area).
Therefore, ITDMI still need further such CONSTRUCTION LICENSE for conducting the construction legally.
Nevertheless, the CONSTRUCTION LICENSE will not be issued for the foreign company (ITDMI is foreign company) in accordance with current policy of such authorities.
So, practically foreign company who need to conduct the construction as contractor will use the other local’s CONSTRUCTION LICENSE instead. (ITD-Dawei Legal Team needs to further discuss and find out the legal effect, if requested.)
1. For Dawei Project, ITDMI can conduct the construction as Authorized Contractor of the Concessionaire under the approval of the DSEZ Management Committee.
2. For previous Chartrium Hotel Project as be clarified, ITDM conducted the construction works by using CONSTRUCTION LICENSE of other local.
3. For this Project and also other further project (if any), Khun Panya has plan to use ITD’s Myanmar citizen staff to apply for CONSTRUCTION LICENSE, and then ITDMI will use his/her CONSTRUCTION LICENSE.
Best regards,
Smatpon / Phumtawee