1.4.1 The Company will pay for standard lodging costs on an actual expense basis. Travelers are
required to stay in company accredited hotels (please refer to list of accredited hotels at
w/public/purchasing/hotels) on standard single rooms, unless other rooms are available at the
same rate. Incidental hotel costs, e.g., movies, mini-bar charges, are not reimbursable.
1.4.2 When an employee stays with family or friends rather than in a hotel, no lodging costs or overnight
allowance will be paid by the Company.
1.4.3 Domestic travel hotel accommodation must not exceed the amounts specified on Exhibit E.
Receipts are always required to claim reimbursement of hotel accommodations. All employees
must stay at a hotel on the approved hotel list (updated by Purchasing and obtained from HR).
1.4.4 All employees have the option of receiving an overnight allowance (no receipts required) in lieu of
claiming actual hotel and meal expenses. Only one method of reimbursement may be used for
each instance of overnight business travel. If employees choose to share a room, the maximum
reimbursed room rate is the maximum allowed for the highest level person sharing the room.