This made us different from each other. Culture is can change or adapt. It depends on time and social changing. The categories of culture is universal , cultural and personal. Universal culture is way of actions that people all over the world are the same. For example , everyone eat and sleep properly , grieving when someone they love is death or running from everything that scared them. Cultural culture is way of actions that people in one group are the same and different from other group. For example , respect and take good care of the elder , believe in ghost or spirit , eat by use their hand or a man must be selfless more than woman. Personal culture is way of actions that person are different from each other. For example , prefer sour taste foods than spicy foods , sleeping with their body naked , dress in the way that other people usually don’t or not liking eating alone. Anyway , the most important thing of culture is it helps us learn a lesson from the past and distinguish one group from other group.
The second is about when two cultures meet. Cultures in every country is different so it can cause a problems when two cultures meet. For example , when people from different culture married. The big differences is conditions of marriage , cultural or religion differences. I used to experience a problems from these differences. I used to have british girlfriend. She was 10 years older than me. We different from each other so much. I’m Buddhist and she’s Christian. She’s very religiously while I’m not. She didn’t care defecate while I’m bathing. This was awful !
Next , the lesson about judging others. The first major categories is “stereotypes”. Stereotypes is when you judge someone externally. Stereotypes is just a point of view , but can lead to prejudice or discrimination. The way of judging people caused a lot of problem since and even then. For example , Skin racism in many country. Black people or negro were treat differently from white people. The black are prohibited their human rights and sometimes they were killed by no reason. The worst is slavery. The slaves were treat like they are not human and forced to work all day and all night. I were discriminated by my friends because I’m wearing glasses and weak. One of them said “Don’t mess with Earth ! He’s a nerd and weak!”. I felt neglect and heartbreaking , but I want to prove myself that I’m a human no less that everyone. I studied harder and trained Taekwondo harder. After one hard year , I became stronger and they can’t bullied me anymore. I said to them that “I’m human just like you guys are. Do I look different from you ? No !” Now , they’ve changed their point of view and we are good friends.
The last lesson is about festivals. Festivals is an event that people celebrate for something. Every festivals have a story behind them. For example , Thai people celebrate Loy Kratong festival in order to pay respect to the river goddess. Spanish celebrate San Fermin festival in order to commemorate the death of saint Fermin , the first bishop of Pamplona. Mexican people celebrate the day of the death in order to commemorate their deceased relatives or beloved one. Some story behind the festival is a happy story , but some story is sad. The most important thing of festival is people enjoy or appreciate it. At least , festival makes the world more colorful.
This made us different from each other. Culture is can change or adapt. It depends on time and social changing. The categories of culture is universal , cultural and personal. Universal culture is way of actions that people all over the world are the same. For example , everyone eat and sleep properly , grieving when someone they love is death or running from everything that scared them. Cultural culture is way of actions that people in one group are the same and different from other group. For example , respect and take good care of the elder , believe in ghost or spirit , eat by use their hand or a man must be selfless more than woman. Personal culture is way of actions that person are different from each other. For example , prefer sour taste foods than spicy foods , sleeping with their body naked , dress in the way that other people usually don’t or not liking eating alone. Anyway , the most important thing of culture is it helps us learn a lesson from the past and distinguish one group from other group. The second is about when two cultures meet. Cultures in every country is different so it can cause a problems when two cultures meet. For example , when people from different culture married. The big differences is conditions of marriage , cultural or religion differences. I used to experience a problems from these differences. I used to have british girlfriend. She was 10 years older than me. We different from each other so much. I’m Buddhist and she’s Christian. She’s very religiously while I’m not. She didn’t care defecate while I’m bathing. This was awful ! Next , the lesson about judging others. The first major categories is “stereotypes”. Stereotypes is when you judge someone externally. Stereotypes is just a point of view , but can lead to prejudice or discrimination. The way of judging people caused a lot of problem since and even then. For example , Skin racism in many country. Black people or negro were treat differently from white people. The black are prohibited their human rights and sometimes they were killed by no reason. The worst is slavery. The slaves were treat like they are not human and forced to work all day and all night. I were discriminated by my friends because I’m wearing glasses and weak. One of them said “Don’t mess with Earth ! He’s a nerd and weak!”. I felt neglect and heartbreaking , but I want to prove myself that I’m a human no less that everyone. I studied harder and trained Taekwondo harder. After one hard year , I became stronger and they can’t bullied me anymore. I said to them that “I’m human just like you guys are. Do I look different from you ? No !” Now , they’ve changed their point of view and we are good friends.
The last lesson is about festivals. Festivals is an event that people celebrate for something. Every festivals have a story behind them. For example , Thai people celebrate Loy Kratong festival in order to pay respect to the river goddess. Spanish celebrate San Fermin festival in order to commemorate the death of saint Fermin , the first bishop of Pamplona. Mexican people celebrate the day of the death in order to commemorate their deceased relatives or beloved one. Some story behind the festival is a happy story , but some story is sad. The most important thing of festival is people enjoy or appreciate it. At least , festival makes the world more colorful.
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