9 The 2007 NEA document on ‘‘Consideration of
Timescales in Post-Closure Safety of Geological
Disposal of Radioactive Waste,’’ which is based on
surveys of NEA Member Countries, states
‘‘Calculated values of dose and risk are therefore
viewed in regulations not as predictions but rather
as indicators or measures of protection that are used
to test the capability of the system to provide
isolation of the waste and containment of
radionuclides (the ‘dose’ that is being calculated is
what radio-protectionists refer to as ‘potential
dose’). These indicators are to be evaluated on the
basis of models that include certain stylized
assumptions, in particular regarding the biosphere
and human lifestyle or actions.’’ (Docket No. EPA–
HQ–OAR–2005–0083–0411, p. 38) NEA also notes: