Heavy metal in soil
The concentration of heavy metals in the soil of Perlis is listed in Table 2. All data in Table 2 were compared with allowable limit from Netherlands and China (Table 3) proposed by (Wang et al 2012, ECDGE 2010) since there are no information available in Malaysia on soil background values for heavy metal concentration [15, 16, 17]. The maximum concentration of Cu (240.59 mg/kg) and Cd (0.63mg/kg) level were higher compared with limit from Netherlands and China. Thus, attention has to be taken in order to control the level because it may results a dangerous effect for future. Meanwhile, Pb, Cr and Ni relatively below limit from other country (Table 3). Thus, we can summarized that, most of the Perlis state is still in save level, except on certain location that contribute high value of Cu and Cd which exceed allowable limit.