Regarding LOQs, the obtained values in the proposed method (ranged from 4 to 200 μg kg−1 in sample) were lower than those obtained in two previous works [17, 22]. The first one determined pesticides in wheat grain (7–400 μg kg−1) [17] and the second one measured VDs in pig and poultry compound feed (100–169 μg kg−1) [22]. However, other works showed better LOQs, such as thoseobtained by Boscher et al. [41] (LOQs ranging from 3.8 to 65 μg kg−1 in sample, piglet feed) and by Kantiani et al. [24] (instrumental LOQs from 0.57 to 2.92 μg kg−1). These low LOQ values can be explained due to the fact that both works employed QqQ as analyser, which showed better sensitivity than QqTOF using MSE. Moreover, these methods were developed for a limited number of compounds.