Jane: We are getting mechanics in to check the problem. For the mean time we are thinking about hiring extra hands to get the deliveries moving while the problem is being fixed by the mechanics. Robert thinks we don’t need to, but I don’t agree.
Bob: Okay, I need a response from Robert Rogers on this issue by close of business today. I’ll contact Robert immediately after this meeting by phone and find out what the situation is. Robert will need to email his quality report to me and should also cc: John and Jane. Jane, how quickly can you repair the equipment?
Jane: It will take 24 hours. That’s why I told Robert we should just get extra people in to help.
Bob: That’s too late. Can you fix the equipment at the end of today’s deliveries? And can it be ready to run for the start of day shift tomorrow?
Jane: Yes, but we need to pay the mechanics to come in after hours.
Bob: OK, do that immediately. Phone me when you have organised it with the technician.
Bob: John, what can we do about the stock waiting to be relabelled and delivered?
John: Well, if it’s just the mail label, I’ll contact the customers and confirm their delivery addresses. That’ll get the products moving. However, if we can’t get hold of them, we’ll probably have to put together another plan.
Bob: Okay, before close of business today, can you contact all customers affected by the delay and explain the situation? Ask them what their addresses are. Contact me when you’ve done this.
John: Done.
Bob: Any questions? No? Good.
Bob: Jess, can you make sure that you type this up immediately, email to me and cc: Robert, Jane, and John and save a copy to the file server?