Lavander has been used as a medicinal plant and to treat several diseases. Knowledge of moisture desorption
isotherms is useful in food dehydration and drying. The equilibrium moisture content for Lavandula officinalis L.
flowers were measured by using the gravimetric static method with water activity ranging from 11% to 85% and
three temperatures of 30, 40 and 50ºC. Five mathematical models (modified Henderson, modified Oswin, modified
Halsey, modified Chung – Pfost and GAB equations) were used to fit the experimental data of desorption. The
modified Halsey model was found to be the best model for describing desorption isotherms curves.
[Hossein AhmadiChenarbon, Sara Movahed, Seyedeh Masoomeh Hasheminia. Moisture desorption isotherms of
Lavandula officinalis L. flowers at three temperatures. Journal of American Science 2011;7(6):757-761]. (ISSN