Chewchew reserves the right, without notice and in our sole discretion, to terminate your license to use the Chewchew Service (including to post Broadcaster Content), and to block or prevent your future access to and use of the Chewchew Service. This includes Chewchew having the ability to terminate or to suspend your access to any purchased products or services, including any subscriptions or Turbo accounts. Your only remedy with respect to any dissatisfaction with (i) the Chewchew Service, (ii) any term of these Terms of Service, (iii) any policy or practice of Chewchew in operating the Chewchew Service, or (iv) any content or information transmitted through the Chewchew Service, is to terminate your account and discontinuing use of any and all parts of the Chewchew Service. In serious cases of breach of these Terms of Service (for example, infringement of Chewchew's intellectual property rights or actions causing it financial loss), Chewchew may consider it appropriate to take legal action against you (though we will try to resolve matters amicably with you if possible).