ou have just created a new account for TERA Europe. Please click on the following link to verify your account:
If the link doesn’t work, please copy the whole URL manually into the address bar of your browser.
After confirmation, you’ll have to log in again.
Please Note:
- You have the opportunity to protect your account against unauthorised access on our website under "My Account". In order to do so, all you have to do is activate "Account Security". Then at your next login you will be prompted to enter an activation code, which will be automatically sent to you via email. This code must be entered once for every computer you want to play on.
- We will occasionally inform you via email about events and special offers at Gameforge. You may cancel this subscription at any time by clicking http://unsubscribe.gameforge.com/?code=3d85d6a2fa197a09283f94753720076e&lang=en&email=tripopza1%40hotmail.com&game=tera. Standard charges may apply when sending us an email, fax or letter. Gameforge does not levy any charges.
Your TERA Team