It hurts my head for the first 2 minutes but it really works for me. Thank you :D
1 month ago•
Thank you
3 weeks ago•
Janine Santana
...and thank you for not cluttering the tones with that god-awful New Age music. I'll be back to check out more!
6 months ago•2
+Janine Santana Lol, no problem. Pure tones are best, but for those who need music I usually just recommend they open another window with their playlist on it.
6 months ago•
Janine Santana
Very interesting effect! What is the research on this? I've never come across it before but find it extremely effective.
6 months ago•
Janine Santana
+BrainEntrainment101 That makes sense. Placebo means something healed because something in the mind told the body to adjust, if I remember correctly? Interesting stuff. Thanks for the swift reply.
6 months ago•
Research honestly shows same success rate as placebo but we find it very effective
6 months ago•1
this binaural not so powerful..Its not working
1 year ago•
Christine Pineda
Ugg I don't like it because I heard this bafore and after getting surgery in a hospital I don't like the feeling
1 year ago•
I'm sorry
1 year ago•
It makes me feel weird It sure works? I must be if it's an hour?
1 year ago•
Must be
1 year ago•1
Guru of Random
Helps a little.
1 year ago•
Ya. I think Penn and Teller did an episode about it
1 year ago•
Guru of Random
+BrainEntrainment101 They say that classical music increases cognitive function, but that is a myth. It only temporarily increases spacial skills.
1 year ago•
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