Increase opportunities and support for
physical activity within families,
schools, and communities.
n Encourage families to support their adolescent’s
participation in physical activity, to be physically active
role models, and to include physical activity in family
n Work with school boards to provide the required number
of minutes of physical education in schools, and to
ensure that classes are taught by credentialed physical
education specialists.
n Expand safe park and recreational facilities to create a
range of free and/or low-cost, developmentally
appropriate, community sports and recreation/fitness
n Encourage schools and other organizations, such as
religious organizations and community groups, to make
their facilities available after hours.
n Enhance bike and pedestrian safety by creating well-lit
and accessible bike and footpaths. Residents of highly
walkable neighborhoods report approximately twice as
many walking trips than those in poorly walkable areas.xxxii
n Ensure that safe places to exercise are available. Easy
access to safe physical activity areas, such as parks,
basketball courts, and gyms, can increase the number of
people exercising at least 3 times a week by 25%.