The Structure Of Forest Stands
The forest is a group of trees that have uniform characteristics began to
from the type, age and size (diameter and height). The diameter of the tree/stem (DBH =
Diameter Breast Height), namely: the midline of a tree or wooden rods
expressed in centimeters. The diameter of the wood is measured on the flat chest-high line
130 cm above the ground to the tree don't berbanir or 20 cm from the tip of banir when
banir high more than 130 cm (Arief 2001).
The forest is a homogeneous unit can be distinguished clearly from
the stands were in terms of age, composition, structure, and a place to grow.
All Woods will have differences in the number and volume of each tree
broad acres, the basic fields and others. The difference in the stands who meetings and
rarely can only clear when using the criteria for the opening of the heading. While
the density of the forest based on volume, extensive areas of the base and the amount of each trunk
acres will be revealed through measurement. Forests that are too tightly will
experiencing slow growth due to persaiangan in terms of rays
Sun, water, nutrient elements, even the place. In contrast, the forest that is too rarely
will generate trees with huge canopies and branched
with a short stem (Arief 2001).