-Chat rooms and the mail addresses of players, broadcaster management, or front office personnel to -facilitate communication
-Newspapers or other publication
- Video or audio clips of game action or highlights
- special pages devoted to dance team, mascots, or other organizational features
- Surveys and other means to provide feedback
Dan Migala, publisher of The Migala Report and a regular contributor to Street& smith's Sports Business Journal, offered the following thoughts on six essential elements for any web site(61)
1 what's New- section.
Because a web site thrives on newness this section helps users immediately discover new information and ultimately increases the likelihood that they will visit the site more frequently
2 search engine or site map.
A simple search engine allows users to type in keyword to find information on thing such as schedules or parking quickly and easily
3 Feedback mechanism.
Consumers want to be heard organizations such as the Buffalo Bills offer a customized menu that allows users to direct their feedback to a specific department- ticket sales community relations, and so on. An automated response which lets users know that their message has been received is an excellent feature Moat important, however,is the fact that the most successful sites read all of the feedback they receive and respond to it
4 Phone numbers
organizations should make sure not only that they list appropriate phone numbers group sales store ticket hotline - on their site, but also that they make them visible and easy to find because users are still likely to pick up the phone with a question
5 Privacy policy
if a site asks visitors to volunteer information about who they are( and most Web sites do). it has become de rigueur to draft and display a privacy policy
6 Simple traffic report
The most successful commercial Web sites consistently generate revenue from a variety of sources such as advertising To generate advertising revenue consistently a site must conduct and showcase research that allows prospective advertises to both qualify and quantify an online ad buy(eg, track page requests, unique visitors, time on-site. or orders)
In addition to Migala's suggestions, we offer the following suggestions, which are particularly of value to teams and venues involved in ticket sales
A"virtual view" offered by Ballena or a similar product that permits a potential buyer to select a seat location, click on that location, and access the view of the playing surface from that particular seating location. It may even permit analyzing comparative seat locations and views.
A link for purchasing tickets, renewing tickets, or providing direct access to sales personnel
Short for Web log," a blog is a narrative that offers a point of view and invites a response Blogs can be developed by anyone with a Web address, and organizations can use them not. Only to share a point of view but to disseminate information, solicit a reaction, or attempt
create an image or alter a perception by posing as someone outside the organization Depending on the topic or the lack of information about a subject combined with a need to know blogs can take on a life of their own and can become a valued channel of information For example, during the NHL hockey lockout and the cancellation of the 2004-2005 season Rene Eklund(a fictional name) created the Hockey Rumors Blog. which can be found at www. hockeyrumorsblogspot.com The author was getting. information on the labor talks from a well-placed insider was at theNHL and sharing the information. Because little information available, this blog was generating as many as 200,000 page impressions per day a Google