The root cause of all the treatments for stabilizing the lipase activity is to obtain good quality rice bran oil. Results showed significant (p < 0.05) differences in oil yield of various microwave treated bran samples (Table 2; Plate 1). The oil yield at any time of exposure increased with the increase in available microwave power from 2 to 4 W/g. However, with further increase in available microwave power to 6 W/g, there was a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the oil yield suggesting a detrimental effect of increase in available power level on oil yield beyond 4 W/g. Increase in time at 2 W/g available microwave power did not have any significant effect on the oil yield. However, the same was significantly affected at the available power levels of 4 and 6 W/g. At 4 W/g, it significantly increased with the increase in time of exposure whereas it was reverse at 6 W/g/available microwave power level. From among all the treatment combinations which could successfully restrict the FFA contents within safe limits, T6(4 W/g + 5 min) was the only treatment combination which had a most significant (p < 0.05) enhancement in oil yield over control bran.