Waste is defined as any residual material from industrial
and human activities that has no residual value [19]. According
to the Thailand Public Health Act 1992, MSW includes
waste generated from community activities,
residential households, commercial and business establishments,
fresh markets, institutional facilities, and construction
and demolition activities, excluding industrial
waste [16].
According to a study by Garrod and Willis, there are six
functional elements grouped by activities associated with
MSWM: waste generation, waste storage, waste collection waste transfer and collection, waste processing, and waste
disposal [20]. In order to have an effective and sustainable
MSWM system, it is important that all applied and social
studies be linked with a good management plan that involves
all sectors at all levels. The conventional MSWM
system consisting of waste trucks, waste bins, and landfills
is currently still in use in many countries.