Hears this words, Chu Feng to relax, he has not thought that this senior, will help himself speak like this.
„Senior grudge is distinct, handles matters fairly, admires below.” But what another Chu Feng has not thought that this moment that representative monster flood dragon Wang Shou man, is a face is unexpectedly admiring, is serving with the big ritual to the man.
Although, he represents individual standpoint, is clearly, he also is Chu Feng complains of injustice, is airing a grievance for Chu Feng.
In addition before, the monster flood dragon Wang Shou princess, once invited Chu Feng to be a guest, makes very good impression to Chu Feng, therefore this moment Chu Feng to the monster flood dragon Wang Shou impression, is better.
„Chu Feng, although can not go into one's past, but this Ximen Feixue actually cannot forgive lightly.” The men the vision, went to Ximen Feixue.
Hears this words, Ximen Feixue is the complexion big change, what situation? Chu Feng does not go into one's past, can't he forgive lightly? What doesn't this favor this is?
„Senior, I formerly did not know the custom, but also asked the senior to give me an opportunity.” Although in the heart refuses to accept, but Ximen Feixue was still hurried to beg for mercy.
He does not want to be kicked to be eliminated by first, because this moment outside countless people are looking, if he first were kicked to be eliminated, loses , is not only his face countenance, is entire Emperor Ximen the face countenance of clan.
However, that mystical man, actually does not pay attention to begging for mercy of Ximen Feixue, separates spatially grasps, Ximen Feixue was then raised, afterward lifts the hand to throw, the weird flying snow then changes to together the time, fires into the horizon, runs out of outside the fortress.
At this moment, although the fortress blocks, but the vision of people, closely is actually staring at the central area of fortress, they know that these Holy Land of Martialism strongest juniors, collect there.
May suddenly, the center of fortress, the ray dodge unexpectedly, afterward the form then explodes to shoot from the fortress in together.
Meanwhile, the Ximen Feixue pitiful yell sound, resounds through this side world.
„What situation?”
Sees this, the people feel urgently are startled, how in good condition comes out a person?
„That probably is a junior, can actually be who? How to make into this appearance? Hasn't the showdown started?”
The people carefully look that explodes shoots, but Ximen Feixue, may because of Ximen Feixue by covered with blood that Chu Feng hits, they really cannot distinguish, actually this is.