In this study, we aimed to systematically examine how
fear of movement-related pain ratings for 2 types of
movements (CS1/CS) change during the extinction
phase and to what extent this change pattern depends
on the person’s level of PA and/or TA. Fig 2 shows the
self-reported fear of movement-related pain at the
end of the acquisition phase (a3) and during the 5 blocks
of the extinction phase (e1-5) for healthy people scoring
relatively high versus low on both TA and PA (based on a
median split). Acquired differential learning (a3) does
not seem to differ depending on these trait variables.
Interestingly, however, healthy people with relatively
low PA or relatively high TA show increased fear in
response to the safe (CS) movement in the beginning
of the extinction phase (e1) as compared to the end of
acquisition (a3), and this effect seems to disappear gradually
throughout the extinction phase. In contrast, there
does not seem to be any difference in fear of the
CS1 movement in the beginning of the extinction
phase. More specifically, we tested 3 main hypotheses: