In 1918, the German Enigma machine used the same principle but included 15000 possible initial settings. Even the possession of the machine was no guarantee f success in breaking the code, as you had to know the setting used at the start. Imagine a series of rota tors and shifters that change their location as they are used. Input the letter D, and after a bit,the letter Fis output. Put in another D and you may get G or a U. While this encoding may seem arbitrary, it can be reproduced if you nave an identical machine and if you configure it exactly the same way. This machine was used extensively during World War II,but its code was broken with the use of mathematics, statistics, and computational ability. Early versions of the machine were actually produced for commercial purposes, and long before Hitler came to power, the code was broken by the brilliant Polish mathematician Marian Rejewaki. Another version of the machine was used during World War II. Alan Turing and the British cryptographic staff at Bletchley Park used an Enigma machine provided by the Poles and again Broke the codes.