Of the 42 white colour treasure box, 10 of the boxes were empty. The rest of boxes yield 20 Tang Imitation Swords, 2 level 1 protective vest, three pairs of white gloves, three pairs of strength enchanting shoes, and two sticks of beginner’s staff.
The four green boxes yield a level 2 Tang Sabre, a level 2 protective vest, a level 2 white cloak and a level 3 strength enhancing ring.
Level 1 Earth Spike: You may summon a 2 m spike of earth of attack your enemies. Cost 6 spiritual power points. The non-mage class may only cast this spell once a day, unless the user level the skill up to level 2. Will consume 100 [System] coins if you learn this skill.
Level 2 Solid as rocks. Using this skill will allow you to increase your Endurance by 30 points for 30 seconds. Using this skill will cost 15 stamina points.
Level 3 Night Vision. Allow you to see in the dark. Passive skill.
Level 1 skill: Summon Skeleton. This skill will summon a weak skeleton to fight alongside you. Each summons will cost 5 points of Spiritual Power. You are limited to summoning five skeletons.
Level 3 Ability: Illusion- this skill can make enemies panic and create chaos and confusion among enemies. Activating this skill will cost 5 points of Spiritual Power and 5 points of stamina. Each second of maintaining this spell will drain 4 points of spiritual power. This skill is not effective against creatures who have more spiritual power than yourself. The greater the difference between your spiritual power and your target’s spiritual power, the more effective the illusion seemed to be.
“Level 2 item: White cloak. Wearing this clock increase your Endurance by +3.”
“Level 3 item: Strength enhancing ring. Wearing this ring increase your strength by +6.”