Global warming (Global Warming (whyworldhot .com)
There was an increase of greenhouse gas emissions from the covered floor of the world atmosphere, high temperatures in the world. As a result, seasonal change and global greenhouse gas emissions increase was due primarily to the fossil fuel consumed
Global warming or climate change (Climate Change) is a big problem in today's world of observation from the higher temperature of the world has come to the main cause of greenhouse gases,
This phenomenon is important greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide emissions or with the world because they are, to keep the heat in some of the world's not to reflect back into the atmosphere. Otherwise, world will become the moon.The day is hot, because it is not a filter, energy from the sun this behavior similar to the principles of the conservatory, it is often referred to as greenhouse phenomenon (Greenhouse Effect)
The increase of greenhouse gas emissions, setting floor has the ability to keep more heat radiation
Global warming is caused by what?
greenhouse gas emissions (Greenhouse Gas) is a feature that is in the gas absorb radiation waves of heat, or infrared radiation, greenhouse gas emissions are necessary to maintain the temperature setting of the world.As other Planet in the solar system, and then to make temperature in it was in the middle of the day in the middle of the night, hot and cold gas because these vacuum heat radiation exposure in the day time, and then gently.Temperature setting, the world does not change in a sudden
There is a lot of gas in the absorption of heat and radiation exposure are greenhouse gases, which is in the group with both gases occur naturally and is caused by human activity. greenhouse gas emissions is an important steamThere is empty, ozone, and said oxide ซีเอฟซี substances, etc. but greenhouse gas emissions are controlled by the Kyoto Protocol, there are only 6 types of gas will have to be caused by human activities (anthropogenic greenhouse gas emission) only:(CO 2) methane gas (CH 4) greenhouse gas emissions, said oxide (N 20) gas ไฮโดรฟลู, aerobic carbon monoxide (HFC). Pearlie fluoride aerobic carbon emissions (PFC) and gas ซัลเฟอร์เฮก pulls fluoride (SF 6 ) depending on the greenhouse gas emissions caused by human activities is one of the most important.(CFC or Chlorofluorocarbon) which is used as a refrigerant and foam used in the production, but is not defined in the Kyoto Protocol because it is restricted to the Montreal Protocol, and
sources of greenhouse gases of the ruins of
the digestion plant carcass
the use of industrial plants in everyday life, such as using a cooling in the fridge, air-conditioning substances
The daily use of such as a driving force in the canned spray is a
from a rice farming and livestock, water or plant a cell
the burning ruins of plants or animals
by the burning of coal, oil, gas natural
The combustion in various formats such as the fuel used in industrial plants in the car
burn the forest to use living area or agricultural burning or burned grass straw after harvest
The farm, livestock, animal farming to do.