1. Avoid travel to areas where outbreaks of infection. Before you go, check the outbreak before the tour .
2. Avoid touching wild animals both sick or not sick
3. Avoid eating wild animals that are sick, dying for an unknown reason. In particular, animals such as monkeys, or Bat Avoid contact with the animal and not eat animals that may transmit infectious diseases is especially prepared not ripe .
4. Avoid touching the blood, secretions or with the substance of his patients might be contaminated with the substance screening Secretion of the patients or the bodies of the deceased patient corpses
5. Wash hands often, using water and soap or use alcohol Hall for washing hands without water or soap.
6. If there are symptoms such as high fever, illness began to fatigue, sore throat, headache, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea and rash, according to the Red embossed hurry up doctor.