Apples were peeled, washed and cut into 5 mm slices
from which 3.8 cm discs were extracted. The apple discs
were then immersed in citric acid (5.8%) for 5 s, blanched
with boiling water for 1 min and cooled by immersion in
cold tap water for 5 min, and drained. Blanched apple
discs were either directly fried or vacuum fried, whereas
some blanched discs were additionally pre-dried under
controlled conditions using a Self-Cooking Center Model
SCC661 (Rational, Germany), with dry air at 80 C, to a
final moisture content of 64% w.b., before vacuum
Apples were peeled, washed and cut into 5 mm slicesfrom which 3.8 cm discs were extracted. The apple discswere then immersed in citric acid (5.8%) for 5 s, blanchedwith boiling water for 1 min and cooled by immersion incold tap water for 5 min, and drained. Blanched applediscs were either directly fried or vacuum fried, whereassome blanched discs were additionally pre-dried undercontrolled conditions using a Self-Cooking Center ModelSCC661 (Rational, Germany), with dry air at 80 C, to afinal moisture content of 64% w.b., before vacuumfrying.
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