When the minimum dimension of the largest prey (MLP) is plotted
against the totallength (TL) of each larvae (Fig. 8a), a progressive increase
of the size of ingested prey was observed until the fishes reached a TL of
about 7.9 mm (TLL). Afterwards, no further augmentations were
observed. In Fig. 8b and c, MLP is plotted against mouth height (MH)
and mouth width (MW), respectively. Again, a progressive increase of
MLP may be observed, and two upper limits of the trends, indicated as
MHL for largest mouth height (about 1.6 mm) and MWL for largest moth
width (about 0.68 mm) were identified. The rate MLP/MH ranged
between 70 and 18%, while MLP/MH ranged between 90 and 43%. If MHL
and MWL are plotted in the same graph with the relationship between
mouth width (MW) and mouth height (MH) with total length (TL)