A migraine is a relatively common medical condition that can severely affect the quality of life of the sufferer and
his or her family and friends.1
Almost 8% of Canadians over the age of 12 have been diagnosed with migraine,
of which 75% are women and 25% are men. Migraine is most commonly experienced by both men and women
between the ages of 25 and 39.2
There are two different types of migraines: migraines without aura and migraines with aura.
A migraine without aura is a condition characterized by moderate to severe throbbing and unilateral pain. The pain
is worsened by movement and accompanied by at least one of the following symptoms:3
• Nausea, loss of appetite and/or vomiting
• Photophobia (increased sensitivity to light)
• Phonophobia (increased sensitivity to sound)
Migraines without aura are characterized by sudden onset and can have a major impact on the sufferer’s daily life.6
On average, untreated migraine episodes last from 4 to 72 hours.5
A migraine with aura involves any number of different sensations that range from visual disturbances to physical
The aura symptoms usually occur in alternating body sites during different attacks. Almost always
preceding the headache, the aura symptoms can last between 5 and 60 minutes.3
Some people report having a
prodrome, a feeling of strangeness a day or two before the attack begins. Prodromes are characterized by mood
changes, food cravings, feeling tired or hyperactive, or excessive yawning.4
Some people may also experience
fatigue, stiffness in the neck and/or difficulty concentrating.5
What causes migraine?
There are many theories that discuss the causes of migraine. The cortical spreading depression (CSD) theory
suggests that migraine is a disease of the brain such as angina is a disease of the heart.7
Disruption of normal brain
functioning is believed to be the underlying cause of the migraine pain and aura.7
Another theory is the vascular
theory which suggests that migraines result from the widening of blood vessels surrounding the brain. The chemical
serotonin is also thought to play an important role in migraine development.8
While the precise cause of migraines
remains unknown, a number of potential migraine triggers (habits or conditions associated with the onset of a
migraine) have been identified.9, 10
Each migraine sufferer has his or her individual triggers. Many migraines in women are triggered by hormonal
changes such as those experienced during menstruation and pregnancy.9, 11 Up to 50% of women can suffer from a
migraine related to menstruation.11 Migraines tend to intensify during puberty and disappear during menopause.12
Migraines can be triggered by:9, 10
• Diet (foods such as cheese, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages or nuts)
• Strong odours such as perfumes
• Bright lights
• Loud noises
• Changes in the weather
• Stress
• Sleeping more or less than usual
• Certain medications