Century Learning 21 looks forward to development of students in higher education ให้เป็นบัณฑิต quality. With the aim to results with students the main related areasReading or language arts, language arts, mathematics, the world's main duty, government and citizen, economics, science, geography. And history.(Interdisciplinary) including consciousness towards the world. Basic knowledge of finance, economy, business, and an entrepreneur, basic knowledge of a citizen. Basic knowledge of health.21 form (Model) important 2 form is a form of network associates to ascend the skills of the century 21 กอบสำ importantly, learning and innovation skills - 4C. Consists of analyzing, communication, cooperation, and creativity.Reading, writing and mathematics, life skills and career skills and information media technology. Which is based on the standard and measurement, curriculum and teaching methods, the professional development and the atmosphere of learning.A vital element is the basic knowledge in the digital era. Innovative thinking and creativity. Effective communication. And productivity high.