Summary: The TED talk, Schools Kill Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson, laid out the idea that our strictly left-brain thinking education system is suppressing creativity in children. Sir Robinson started off by talking about how children all have creativity, and they aren't afraid to be wrong. He demonstrated that children are our hope for the future, and they are born creative. He proved the point though that society is "educating the creativity out of children". He said that students were rewarded for academic talents, but not for talents in more creative areas, such as music and arts. Society is in an "academic inflation", where a college degree is worth less than it was before. Now it's not just about having the academic ability, but schools should also reward creative thinking, more right-brained thinking. Intelligence isn't just being good at math and science; it's being able to use the dynamic ability of the entire mind, being creative and not just logical. He says that, “Every education system on Earth has the same hierarchy of subjects: at the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts." All of these should be valued equally, since all are equally important. Creativity is as important as literacy, but that creativity is not rewarded in society. The talk was ended by Robinson's desire to incorporate creativity into today's education, since it's just as important. The entire talk was done in a very familiar fashion, so that Sir Robinson really connected with the audience. He used hand motions occasionally, but not too much, to make him easy to watch. He used humor in almost every chance he had, which made him easy to listen to, despite the talk being twenty minutes long. He told stories, expressing that people who seem restless are given medicine instead of having their talents nourished. Sir Robinson's TED talk, Schools Kill Creativity, pointed out the changes that should be made to help our changing world and society.