The meaning of wildfire
"Wildfire" is a fire arising from any cause, and then eventually to freely without the mandate to supervise whether the fire will eventually progress into the jungle or forest park.
The element of fire (fire triangle)
The resulting fire caused by a chemical process When all three elements come together in appropriate proportions and caused the combustion, fire up:
1. include all types of organic fuel that caught fire, such as trees, Topiary trees. Twigs, wood shaft
Stumps of wood, as well as organic soil KOR phai and coal layer below the surface soil.
2. the heat that comes from 2 sources of natural thermal source is like lightning.
Satire of twigs and heat source from human actions, such as a fire in the forest with various causes.
3. oxygen is a gas that is typically in the jungle, where there will be variations in the direction of the wind.
Types of wildfire
Wildfire is divided into 3 types according to the nature of the fuel is burning: fire fire fire surface and underground shelter amount.
1. light a fire underground that burns organic The object is retained in the soil, eventually goes South slowly surface that is difficult to observe because of the flame or light, does not pop out on Earth! All smoke, there is a little difficult to carry the fire. Domestic Thai peat swamp forest fires were found in underground bands in the South of the country. Underground fire, which can also be divided into 2 types:
-Perfect underground fire is the fire that burns under the forest floor was really a special tool is required to detect the heat will find this type of fire.
-Lights semi semi basement surface: fire burns in the forest floor as fast as light, the surface soil. At the same time, the part was burnt on a vertical surface, deep in the forest floor under the floor.
2. light surface fire that burns fuel on the soil surface. This kind of fire will burn eventually according to the forest, where most of the fuel: dried leaves of grass. Fallen twigs Lace, as well as various shrubs, this type of fire wood is to spread rapidly, the severity depends on the density of the fuel.Wildfire that occurs in most countries this type of fire is a Thai.
3. light House is a fire to spread it along the top of the tree house, especially in this type of forest, wood, rubber, pine, which produces eventually a good style is the style 2 light surface is the media.In flames before the fire to spread to prison and the other to the next House, and the fire is not on the media surface. Born in the woods with a tight body and a solid amount of woody species that are caught fire easily. This intense and difficult to control. We can divide into two popular types of household lights are as follows:
3.1 a fire House that requires a light surface fires are media that rely on fire to spread light by surface conductive, fire up the flame to the top of the tree house. Characteristics of these types of lights are lights to eventually surface, then followed by a light amount of households.
3.2 fire House that does not rely on the surface fire. Born in slit with trees ignite easily and has a great body and tight, solid side-by-side: Eventually, it is fast and furious, from prison to prison, amount amount. And when the fire fell on the ground, the forest fire causes, fire clay surface at the same time.
The cause of the occurrence of wildfire
Wildfire will occur or not rely on 3 factors, what is the fuel. Oxygen and heat, which is "the element of fire," he said. Normally, in the woods with all the fuel, such as twigs, dry leaves, and oxygen or air is.If there is more heat would cause a wildfire. Therefore, "the heat" is the reason that caused the wildfire.
The incident that caused the heat up until it becomes a wildfire might formed from natural plants, such as friction or coating a lightning from a man at the lights by the objective. Domestic Thai birth wildfire cannot be found by natural heat. The majority of a person's skills and originate from. Humans are causing an important forest fire.
"Cause" that caused by wildfire of human intention, or by careless Thai country broken down by nature of activity and purpose arises as follows.
-Hunting-fire to escape from the animal that hides in to hunt.
-Burnt Ranch-burn to get rid of weeds crop area preparation, without the fire to spread into the forest.
-Finding of wild-bee Swat Red Ant egg store. Sweet vegetables, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, banana leaves, firewood stored tension.
-Animals-so soft unlike the grasses as animal feed in the nearby forest, and eventually formed into the Woods.
-Tourists-Cook food, light, warmth, and fire occurs, do not rust as a wildfire in the end.
-Conflicts- Villagers may conflict with the Government in the area and then to annoy by forest fire burn.
-Wood-made stealth. Burning in air, to drag the timber to Tien Chase mosquitoes wild food cooking etc.
The effects of wildfire
The effects of wildfire on society plants.
-Lack of alternative reproductive period naturally.
-Changes in forest structure.
-Reduce the growth and quality of wood
As soon as it was born "Wildfire" up and flames from the Wildfire would destroy all forest seedlings in tiny lace opportunity to grow into a big tree. Best trees stop growing Wood quality degrades into a wound occurs, germs and insects into the bite destroys wood. Jungle conditions become pasture over in the end.
The effects of wildfire on wild animals and small creatures in the forest.
-Compromise the lives of wild animals
-Destruction of food sources and habitats of wild animals.
-Make an animal's life and yato Krakow microorganisms in the soil.
"Wildfire" As a result, wild animals have been casualties because of the fire escape was not particularly fashionable nursing and slow motion animals that escape, lack of housing, as well as food sources. In the end, it may have to die as well.
The effects of wildfire on global climate
-Climate change because the Earth's temperature rising
-The greenhouse phenomenon occurred.
Smog arising from the "Wildfire" is causing a lot of impact on climate, health and toxic damage of the people. Poor vision occurred to flying an airplane sometimes cannot fly up or down Park has resulted in economic damage, including the loss of its natural beauty. Make the improper condition to travel anymore.
The meaning of wildfire
"Wildfire" is a fire arising from any cause, and then eventually to freely without the mandate to supervise whether the fire will eventually progress into the jungle or forest park.
The element of fire (fire triangle)
The resulting fire caused by a chemical process When all three elements come together in appropriate proportions and caused the combustion, fire up:
1. include all types of organic fuel that caught fire, such as trees, Topiary trees. Twigs, wood shaft
Stumps of wood, as well as organic soil KOR phai and coal layer below the surface soil.
2. the heat that comes from 2 sources of natural thermal source is like lightning.
Satire of twigs and heat source from human actions, such as a fire in the forest with various causes.
3. oxygen is a gas that is typically in the jungle, where there will be variations in the direction of the wind.
Types of wildfire
Wildfire is divided into 3 types according to the nature of the fuel is burning: fire fire fire surface and underground shelter amount.
1. light a fire underground that burns organic The object is retained in the soil, eventually goes South slowly surface that is difficult to observe because of the flame or light, does not pop out on Earth! All smoke, there is a little difficult to carry the fire. Domestic Thai peat swamp forest fires were found in underground bands in the South of the country. Underground fire, which can also be divided into 2 types:
-Perfect underground fire is the fire that burns under the forest floor was really a special tool is required to detect the heat will find this type of fire.
-Lights semi semi basement surface: fire burns in the forest floor as fast as light, the surface soil. At the same time, the part was burnt on a vertical surface, deep in the forest floor under the floor.
2. light surface fire that burns fuel on the soil surface. This kind of fire will burn eventually according to the forest, where most of the fuel: dried leaves of grass. Fallen twigs Lace, as well as various shrubs, this type of fire wood is to spread rapidly, the severity depends on the density of the fuel.Wildfire that occurs in most countries this type of fire is a Thai.
3. light House is a fire to spread it along the top of the tree house, especially in this type of forest, wood, rubber, pine, which produces eventually a good style is the style 2 light surface is the media.In flames before the fire to spread to prison and the other to the next House, and the fire is not on the media surface. Born in the woods with a tight body and a solid amount of woody species that are caught fire easily. This intense and difficult to control. We can divide into two popular types of household lights are as follows:
3.1 a fire House that requires a light surface fires are media that rely on fire to spread light by surface conductive, fire up the flame to the top of the tree house. Characteristics of these types of lights are lights to eventually surface, then followed by a light amount of households.
3.2 fire House that does not rely on the surface fire. Born in slit with trees ignite easily and has a great body and tight, solid side-by-side: Eventually, it is fast and furious, from prison to prison, amount amount. And when the fire fell on the ground, the forest fire causes, fire clay surface at the same time.
The cause of the occurrence of wildfire
Wildfire will occur or not rely on 3 factors, what is the fuel. Oxygen and heat, which is "the element of fire," he said. Normally, in the woods with all the fuel, such as twigs, dry leaves, and oxygen or air is.If there is more heat would cause a wildfire. Therefore, "the heat" is the reason that caused the wildfire.
The incident that caused the heat up until it becomes a wildfire might formed from natural plants, such as friction or coating a lightning from a man at the lights by the objective. Domestic Thai birth wildfire cannot be found by natural heat. The majority of a person's skills and originate from. Humans are causing an important forest fire.
"Cause" that caused by wildfire of human intention, or by careless Thai country broken down by nature of activity and purpose arises as follows.
-Hunting-fire to escape from the animal that hides in to hunt.
-Burnt Ranch-burn to get rid of weeds crop area preparation, without the fire to spread into the forest.
-Finding of wild-bee Swat Red Ant egg store. Sweet vegetables, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, banana leaves, firewood stored tension.
-Animals-so soft unlike the grasses as animal feed in the nearby forest, and eventually formed into the Woods.
-Tourists-Cook food, light, warmth, and fire occurs, do not rust as a wildfire in the end.
-Conflicts- Villagers may conflict with the Government in the area and then to annoy by forest fire burn.
-Wood-made stealth. Burning in air, to drag the timber to Tien Chase mosquitoes wild food cooking etc.
The effects of wildfire
The effects of wildfire on society plants.
-Lack of alternative reproductive period naturally.
-Changes in forest structure.
-Reduce the growth and quality of wood
As soon as it was born "Wildfire" up and flames from the Wildfire would destroy all forest seedlings in tiny lace opportunity to grow into a big tree. Best trees stop growing Wood quality degrades into a wound occurs, germs and insects into the bite destroys wood. Jungle conditions become pasture over in the end.
The effects of wildfire on wild animals and small creatures in the forest.
-Compromise the lives of wild animals
-Destruction of food sources and habitats of wild animals.
-Make an animal's life and yato Krakow microorganisms in the soil.
"Wildfire" As a result, wild animals have been casualties because of the fire escape was not particularly fashionable nursing and slow motion animals that escape, lack of housing, as well as food sources. In the end, it may have to die as well.
The effects of wildfire on global climate
-Climate change because the Earth's temperature rising
-The greenhouse phenomenon occurred.
Smog arising from the "Wildfire" is causing a lot of impact on climate, health and toxic damage of the people. Poor vision occurred to flying an airplane sometimes cannot fly up or down Park has resulted in economic damage, including the loss of its natural beauty. Make the improper condition to travel anymore.
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