For night class, I feel good because I didn't have any pressure. Before class start, I prepared the information about family topic. It's as I thought lol. Suddently, Proff. Ray said that today's topic is "college life" lol. I feel silent a little bit. But I have to prepare all the time. Today, Proff. Ray and the student of ASU explain for us and we exchange the data for them. It's about learning around 4-6 years because they've a lot of class, characteristic of domitory, sport, special talent, how to prepare themselves in exam, health care system, and if they can choose, where they will stay at? domitory or house?. I think, today's conversation is OK!. I didn't think to much. But my problem is accent or voice of each person in ASU hard to listen. For next time, I try to more answer and intend to listen.