Profit: turn in profits from the first years of operations.
Develop and training: develop a training program that details new-hire activities and how to makes best satisfaction to our customer.
Customer Relations: strive to develop long-term relationships with customers by practicing these principles daily in the conduct of our business.
2.8 Key Success
Ethics: We are committed to the highest ethical standards in the conduct of our business. As individuals, and as a company, we will conduct ourselves with honesty, fairness and respect for human dignity.
Quality of Sales: Kha-Nom Thai philosophy of making only quality sales are a dual philosophy. First, we will only make those sales that enhance of the quality of product and safety of prouct also. Secondly, we will make no sale that takes unfair advantage of our customers.
2.9 Design and decorate
Kha-Nom Thai is the name of our shop because of Kha-Nom Thai mean Thai Dessert and word can be easily recognizable. Our shop is decorated with Thai Traditional style. The tone is a black one with maroon because it feels simply more comfortable. We have zones in 3 cores, there are the cleaning zone, office zone, and waiting zone. Also point to receiving the car and storage tools (Figure 2 in appendix).