With one exception, paired adjacent terraces (upper, UT; and lower, LT) were
selected to provide a check on reproducibility. Each set of terraces was served by
a tipping bucket rain gauge and associated data logger. Such instrumentation was
necessary because of the high spatial variability of rainfall amounts and intensities
in any one storm. Whenever possible, individual storm events were monitored on
each terrace, and on no occasion was the monitored period longer than 24 hours.
Runoff and eroded soil were collected in sets of two or three 200-litre drums; within
each set the drums were separated by 1/10 divisors. Drums, divisors and rain gauges
were calibrated each season. After storms the runoff volume was measured and a
well-mixed sample of suspended sediment collected, filtered in the field, dried and
With one exception, paired adjacent terraces (upper, UT; and lower, LT) wereselected to provide a check on reproducibility. Each set of terraces was served bya tipping bucket rain gauge and associated data logger. Such instrumentation wasnecessary because of the high spatial variability of rainfall amounts and intensitiesin any one storm. Whenever possible, individual storm events were monitored oneach terrace, and on no occasion was the monitored period longer than 24 hours.Runoff and eroded soil were collected in sets of two or three 200-litre drums; withineach set the drums were separated by 1/10 divisors. Drums, divisors and rain gaugeswere calibrated each season. After storms the runoff volume was measured and awell-mixed sample of suspended sediment collected, filtered in the field, dried andweighed
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