In the article, “New Phone models is danger to Environment” Researchers from the University of Surrey analyzed studies about using Precious resource than in create mobile phone. The first problem is loss resource and extravagant. In the creation these devices to use the precious metal for example gold, copper and silver which there are limited and expensive. These unused phones contain approximately 4 tonnes of gold, lost resource that would cost £110million and an equivalent of 84,000 tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere to replace. The second problem is can not be recycled and cause waste . Because material used to make phone calls can not crumble when indestructible Old phone became a garbage eventually. Unfortunately this leaves many unused devices lingering in drawers, until they are eventually thrown away and end up in landfill. This isn't a trend that can continue if we are to have the mobile lifestyle we want, while still ensuring a sustainable future. Finally, there are other options the researchers propose a 'cloud-based product service system', where the heavy processing and memory storage of mobile devices are moved to a remote server, over the internet. Without the need for complex processing, mobile devices could become less complex, designed to last longer. In conclusion, Our research team is now looking at how to implement such business models for understanding the wider impact of the mobile lifecycle on the environment.