Wei Wei feels perplexed. How come the two boys she has: one is extremely mischievous, and the other is extremely calm and quiet? Can’t their personalities be more balanced? How were their qualities divided?!
Wei Wei, who’s extremely bored from maternity leave, passes time by thinking about this problem.
After his little brother is born, Cong Cong has become much less energetic. He often stands on a little stool and hover over the cradle to watch his little brother. He talks to him, strokes him with his chubby hands, and gives him a pinch, but Baby Ming Yue isn’t bothered by him.
Ming Cong is singing him a song that he learned from the TV. The little baby who is deep in its own thoughts listens for a brief while, and then he turns his chubby body, uses his bottom to face him, and starts sleeping. The little big brother doesn’t like to sing towards a chubby bottom, so he stops. After feeling disappointed for half a day, he runs to the side of his mom’s bed and says with worry, “Mommy, little brother seems to be a bit dumb.”
Wei Wei chokes on the chicken soup that she happens to be drinking.
Ming Cong worries about his little brother being dumb for many days. It’s not until he started kindergarten that he feels relieved. The first day he comes back from kindergarten, he tells his mom excitedly, “Mommy, it’s okay for little brother to be dumb. The children in kindergarten are all very dumb.”