Part L – Payment details
48 IMPORTANT: You must refer to the department’s website at to complete this part of your application. The website shows reference tables with the Visa Application Charges applicable to each visa subclass.
Visa subclass you are applying for Base Application Charge
Write the amount shown on the reference table for your visa subclass
Non-internet Application Charge (if applicable)
Additional Applicant Charge aged 18 years or over at the time your application is lodged
= Total
(1) (2)
Write the amount shown on the reference table for your visa subclass
Number of additional applicants aged 18 years or over
X (multiplied by) = Additional Applicant Charge under 18 years of age at the time your application is lodged
Write the amount shown on the reference table for your visa subclass
Number of additional applicants under 18 years of age
X (multiplied by) = Subsequent Temporary Application Charge (if applicable)
Write the amount shown on the
reference table for your visa subclass Number of applicants
AUD X (multiplied by) =
Total (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5)
You must pay the total amount or your visa application will not be valid. Note: A second instalment of the Visa Application Charge must also be paid before we can grant some visas.
49 How will you pay your application charge?
Note: A surcharge may apply to payments made by credit card. Further information is available from
If applying in Australia, debit card or credit card are the preferred methods of payment. Debit cards cannot be used for applications lodged by mail. If paying by bank cheque or money order please make payable to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
If applying outside Australia, please check with the Australian Government office where you intend to lodge your application as to what methods of payment and currencies they can accept and to whom the payment should be made payable.
Bank cheque Money order
Debit card Cannot be used for applications lodged by mail Credit card Give details below
Payment by (tick one box)
Credit card number
Australian Dollars
Telephone number
MasterCard Diners Club American Express JCB
MONTH YEAR Expiry date : :
Cardholder’s name
As the cardholder I acknowledge and accept that a credit card surcharge may apply to the transaction.
Signature of cardholder -
Credit card information will be used for charge paying purposes only.