When we learn a language we have access to a new social reality, governed by rules and conventions that can be very different from those in the social group we are part. Thus the development of the student's communicative knowledge can be understood as part of personal development and social context. We should note that the relationship established with a new cultural reality always occurs on the basis of cultural assumptions that shape our social identity.
Learning a language is not to achieve a functional domain of a new linguistic code, but is also to be able to interpret and relate to different socio-cultural reality.
Santa Cecilia Garcia 1996:15 says that one should not forget, anthropological aspect implicit in intercultural contact that occurs with the knowledge and language use by the individual.
Dell Hymes says that all humans are born ethnologists but lose the practice to grow, Are we really aware of the culture that precedemos? To what extent unconsciously act in certain situations that are the way to w