Promote a Twilight Special! The percentage of spa guest appointments starts to dwindle by 5:00pm unless your spa is in Las Vegas or Hong Kong. If indeed your reservations need a boost from 6:00 to 8:00pm, then make it happen. If your spa is not open till 7:00 or 8:00pm then that in itself is reason enough to create some late night revenue. Remember, your spa is a hotel amenity and hours of availability are crucial. Too many hotel and resort spas are closing their doors early. A good idea would also be to mirror the hours of your hotel lobby happy hour and then add an extra hour. Give your guests or clients a reason to come in at sunset. Offering a Twilight Special works if you provide a popular high-end treatment or service. Make it exciting. For example; if your spa menu offers an 80-minute Lomi Lomi then call it “The Lomi Retreat” and include warm towels over the guests body sprinkled with essential oils to calm and relax. Reduce the regular price of the Lomi Lomi by 25% and promote the new amount in a framed flyer and place on the vanities of common area restrooms on lower occupancy/business days for hotel and/or spa. Another great location is the restrooms in your hotel fitness center. Always include the Concierge desk to ensure visibility.