Good Morning,
I know we are working on a plan for this, but our supply has gotten worse since the last time we discussed. I believe at some point we are going to need to have a total of 2500 of each of these airfreighted.
I need a few things.
• Please make sure we have the most accurate days possible for when we think we are going to receive the existing PO’s in both Fishbowl and on the purchasing planner.
• Please ask Kiata to start to build to 2500 in stock for each of these.
We will certainly use these within a quarter. Right now our forecast plans to use 4935 of F3BC in Q1 and 10241 F3BCST in Q1. Q4 usage is probably similar.
• Prepare to have 500 of each airfreighted to arrive in Zeeland in the next 3 weeks. I expect that we will need to airfreight a few times to dig ourselves out of this hole.
Let me know what questions you have