I don’t follow this routine at all on weekends.
My weekends vary depending on whether we have plans and whether it’s my day to sleep in (my husband and I take turns). Before my son was born, I used to work out in the morning on the weekends (and by “morning” I mean whenever I woke up, usually between noon and 3:00pm), but it’s hard to do that consistently now.
If it’s my morning to get up with my son and we don’t have early plans, I usually head into his room between 7:30-8:30am, when his noises go from playful cooing to more forceful wails. I change his diaper and we play for a while until he starts to get a little fussy, which means he’s hungry. I’ll feed him breast milk and some pureed food (usually oatmeal or yogurt with fruit), and then we’ll continue to play around the house until my husband gets up. At that point, I’ll usually remember I haven’t eaten or drank anything and will go into the kitchen to make breakfast for my husband and myself while he plays with our son in bed.