2.2 Chemistry analysis
The total fatty acids were extracted with a chloroform-methanol
solution (2:1v/v) according to Bling and Dyer (1995) and the the fatcontent was determined gravimetrically Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were prepared by methylation of triacylglycerols by ISO5509 method 1978 FAME were analyzed in a gas chromatogra pher Shimadsu 14-A
(Japan) fitted with a flame ionization detector and using a sillca capillary column CP Sillic capillary column CP Sill-88(100 m,0.25 mm and 0.25 um cyanopropyl polysiloxane) The
column temperature was
programmed to 140 C for 10 min and raised 5 c min up nto
240 C which was kept for 5 min.The injection poin tand detectol