Initial taste test
The two samples with the greatest sodium content (472 and
640 mg) were better liked than the two samples with the lowest
sodium content (136 and 304 mg); the low sodium sample was
least liked (Fig. 1). Perceived saltiness intensity increased
significantly with each salt concentration level (Fig. 2).
Sal ness
Sodium content (mg)
ini al
abrupt, final
gradual, final
Liking and perceived saltiness of reduced and low sodium juice
following repeated exposure
Subjects in the abrupt group had increased liking for all of the
reduced salt samples at the final taste test relative to the initial
taste test (p < 0.01 for all samples), though liking for the sample
with the highest sodium content (640 mg) was unchanged
(p = 0.59). Subjects in the gradual group had increased liking for
all samples at the final taste test (p < 0.01 for 136 mg and
304 mg; p = 0.05 for 472 mg and 640 mg) (Fig. 1). Subjects in the
gradual group found the highest sodium sample (640 mg) saltier
at the final taste test relative to the initial taste test (p = 0.04).
There were no changes in perceived saltiness intensity for any of
the samples between taste tests among subjects in the abrupt
group (Fig. 2).