In the epilogue, Magnus finds out about Alec's private meetings with Camille. Alec ends up
finding him in an abandoned subway where he was supposed to be meeting Camille, obviously
waiting for him, much to his shock. Magnus is upset that Alec would consider taking his
immortality away at all and kept it a secret, not bothering to tell him about Camille's offer.
Here he also reveals how he had, in fact, been considering taking away his immortality,
revealing how that was part of the reason he wanted the spell book in City of Glass. He says
how since he has seen everything and been everywhere in the world, all he ever wanted was to
simply live the rest of his life and grow old with someone he genuinely loved and wanted and
hoped for it to be with Alec. Though Alec emotionally pleads for another chance, Magnus
refuses, asking him to take his things from his apartment and to leave his key to it on the
table, also saying he wished to never see him or his friends and family (being tired of being
their "pet warlock") ever again. The two share one last passionate embrace and final kiss before
Magnus reluctantly walks away, leaving a heartbroken and tearful Alec behind.