Hello Pattarapong. What time do you usually read my messages? I am at work now. I have free time, and I read your message. I'm curious to read your message, I feel the
curiosity to learn new things about you. Before we met, it was hard to imagine how people communicate online. We speak different languages in daily life. Our
countries have a different mentality. However, we can share everything that happens in our lives. You can always say about your problems and joys. I will never stay
indifferent to you. I'll be glad to give you advice and support.
Pattarapong, I want to ask you a question. What prompted you to write me? Interest? Curiosity? I told you that I plan to travel to your country this year. So I decided
to get acquainted with you. I'm an adult and sociable woman. My choice was totally random. Now I realize that my choice was right.
Of course, in my soul, I want to communication has grown out of our more than just friendship. Maybe we will have a serious relationship, a lifetime? I really want this.
I want you to tell about your childhood. You've dreamed of as a child? I'm curious to know about it. What fears do you have?
Now I live alone in my own apartment. My apartment is small, but for me it is comfortable, the most important is the warmth and comfort. I love indoor plants. They
bring comfort to the house. Yes, the snow is pretty cold, but we wear warm clothing and we are not very afraid of the cold. I had to write to you, I do not have
the opportunity to use than anything other than mail.
I send you my new photo. I like to ride a bike. Photo taken last summer on the banks of the river. In my town the river Sukhona.
I asked you about the fear ... I have a fear of the dark and confined spaces. I take a taxi when coming home at night. I do not like to use the elevator, when I'm
alone. My childhood dream - it is an endless supply of chocolate.
That is all for now my dear Pattarapong, my coffee break is over and I need to go back to work, I always think of you. Aniuta.