(experimental details as described in Fig. 1, in this case 2272 scans (leading to a total measurement time of 3h50’) were acquired for each spectrum). The experimental spectra
are deconvolved into four resonances (Gaussian lines of different width, with and without MAS sideband pattern [26]) representing different components of the sample:purple broad line – rigid components, turquoise broad line – CH3-groups, narrow orange line – mobile CH3-groups, narrow blue line – water molecules distributed in the water-soluble HPC components of the sample. The red line is the sum of the four different lines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this arti
(experimental details as described in Fig. 1, in this case 2272 scans (leading to a total measurement time of 3h50’) were acquired for each spectrum). The experimental spectraare deconvolved into four resonances (Gaussian lines of different width, with and without MAS sideband pattern [26]) representing different components of the sample:purple broad line – rigid components, turquoise broad line – CH3-groups, narrow orange line – mobile CH3-groups, narrow blue line – water molecules distributed in the water-soluble HPC components of the sample. The red line is the sum of the four different lines. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this arti
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